Monday, October 22, 2012

Yes, as a matter of fact, I CAN do hard things.

this is the face of a skeptic
After more than ten years I decided to brave another women's retreat. Clearly, my experience with these things has not been good and I approach all things with the word "women" in them with skepticism. In my experience, either the speaker was off the rails or the ladies I was with turned on each other. Or me. Who needs that? The word "retreat" lost its entire meaning for me long ago and I learned to sink down into my chair or skip out of church early whenever fall rolled around and the surge for women's retreat sign-ups started to recycle. Of course, not all women's retreats are horrible. Most women love them. Just not me.

Currently, I'm attending a new church in my new town which is smaller and homier and just what a church filled with imperfect Christian women should be. At least the few women that I actually know. I'm not much of a joiner and never have been. But no one at this new church has made me feel less "spiritual" for being who I am, which is a non-joiner. If there is drama going on, I don't know about it and it's wonderful. I credit the pastor's wife, Lisa, who has set the bar for genuineness and loving kindness very high. 'So goes the leader, so goes the nation', right? I think that's true. In fact, I think it's critically true. Which makes it's all the more important, if we are to do hard things. Which leads me to this...

the real lodge. in tahoe.
The theme of the retreat was, "I Do Hard Things", which was very apropos since I made myself go. That was a hard thing. I was doing it already! As it turned out the place where the retreat was held wasn't a campground with bunk beds and concrete block walls like I'd always remembered and still envisioned. No. It was an actual Lodge, in the mountains, with ceramic tile and carpeted stairs in the room. There was a flat screen TV and even a hot tub and a pool. It was the full-on, non-stop retreat scenario I've only heard about. I want you to know that I have since given back to the word "retreat" it's rightful definition, along with the sincere apology I owed it.
I was there. See? Proof.

The speaker was the kind of gal I love to hear. She spoke from her heart and her heart touched mine. Her words were practical and as deep as you cared to take them. She served us God's truths with insight and wisdom, and piled a dollop of humor on top for free. She encouraged me to suit up, and show up, and trust God in ways I'd not thought of before; to take responsibility in areas of my life that only God and I know about. My daughter-in-luv, Carissa, led worship and blessed my socks off. And she won the raffle I'd prayed for her to win; a full-on style and color hairdo day with all the trimmings. [God, did you do that on purpose? Of course You did.] 
I even made myself join in with the scrappers.
This is my first scrapper card.
We had the afternoons OFF to just mozy or cozy, or play games or do crafts. No time crunching. Somebody pinch me! The whole weekend just whispered "breathe" right into my soul. Obviously, it was nothing like I'd expected which is cool since I don't mind being wrong in this manner. I opened up and met some precious women who I can now say hello to on Sunday, and they say hello back and even use my name. It was not a mind-blowing experience, no. I think it was exactly what I needed. A gentle reintroduction to the sisterhood we have in Christ. Isn't that how our Father works things out in us? He knows perfectly well what we need. And then He provides it. And now I'm thinking, so, this is a women's retreat, hmm? Ya know, I just might even go again next year. I might even bring a swimsuit along and take a dip in the hot tub. Yeah, I'm working on that kind of faith. 

And p.s. The women's ministry had a "gently-used" accessory sale going on during the weekend where I found these. Yep, I felt like Sissy was right there with me. Isn't God awesome?
Tea with my sister? Priceless.

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