Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Pirates of Riverlakes

Ian and Jared, age 3

I have eight grandchildren. The score is even; 4 boys and 4 girls. Each and every one of them are my heart's delight and believe you me, I KNOW I am blessed. Smack dab in the middle of the line-up are two boys; Ian and Jared. These two boys are thick as thieves, closer than brothers, and can even finish each other's sentences. They are inseparable—in crime as well as punishment. Ian is a little older than Jared but for three months out of every year they are the same age, and right proud of it. This month, they are both 9. Together they have obsessed over Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...you name it. If there is sword fighting, karate or blowing stuff up, they're all in. Jared doesn't mind girls. They are ok by him—in their place. Ian has always been a card carrying member of the “He Man Woman Haters Club”. After watching Lara Croft Tomb Raider they both gained new respect for the feminine gender. Thank you Angelina Jolie for increasing those boys tolerance. But they don't just love the most popular action movies, they become the characters in the movies. During the Star Wars phase (which comes and goes) Ian was Han Solo and Jared was Anakin Skywalker. They dressed the part, they looked the part, they could duplicate every light saber fight in every movie and did so with gusto. I must have at least 6 light saber in my house at all times and it prompted #4 of "Gram's Top 10 Rules for Raising Grandchildren— You can never have too many Light sabers”. The two younger grandsons, Ryan and Calvin, and at least one of the girls would agree with and appreciate that.
Jared and Ian, age 4

When the families all get together I can't help but watch them play and wonder what it will be like around my house when they are all teenagers and older. How much quieter it will be when they are no longer running shrieking through the house chasing each other with water guns or playing hide and go seek at the top of their lungs. In hind sight I know all too well that my own kids grew up in the blink of an eye, and against my better judgement. I am helpless against the tides of time and watch in amazement how much faster it seems the grandkids are growing.

In an effort to save myself from constantly washing cups, last summer I had the kids all write their names on the kid-sized acrylic cups I have—so when they come over they'll know which cup is theirs and use it all day, instead of always getting new cups. Brilliant, Gram. I amaze me. Then a couple weeks ago I decided to buy myself all new, matching acrylic cups for the grown ups. Four different colors, sixteen in all. I've always wanted all my cups to match so I figured it was time and I had a 20% off coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond. The kids have their cups now and the adults have theirs. I'm sure Martha Stewart's cupboards look exactly like mine. Maybe organized better but I bet her cups match.

Ian and Jared, age 8
The next day Ian and Jared came over to spend the night. They saw my new cups, immediately located the permanent black marker and wrote their names, each on their own cup. It was at that moment I walked into the kitchen. They were proud and showed me their brand new personalized cups. The first thing out of my mouth was “Oh No! I just bought those. You weren't supposed to write your names on my Brand New, 16 matching, Bed Bath and Beyond Grown Up Cups!” I saw their deflated faces. Ian put the marker down and they both looked me in the eye and said “I'm sorry Gram. We didn't know”. They shuffled out of the kitchen in silence and then I noticed the cups. Both were scrawled with their 9 year old handwriting and both said the same thing— “Captain Jack Sparrow”. 
Captain Jack's cup

Right then and there the proverbial ton of bricks hit me and my timbers were shivered. I melted. I sighed. I darn near cried. I thought how fleeting this time is with my Captain Jack Sparrows and how these 16 matching Bed, Bath and Beyond cups will be cracked and thrift store fodder long before they start liking girls for real and put up their light sabers for good. Cups I can replace. Two Cap'n Jacks...irreplaceable. I found them in front of the X Box and suggested we go out for ice cream. “C'mon Captain Jacks. Last one in the Granny Van walks the plank!” Grabbing their swords and screeching like banshees they jumped up and ran out the door. Oh how I love those two villains.

~ Mary Catherine 


  1. Teared up. You're a great Gram...among other things! ♥♥

  2. I was SO not ready for this Hallmark story or the tearjerker ending. (sigh). This may be the sweetest blog you've ever written, sissy. The photo of the cup is priceless. I see that I have so very much to look forward to. >3

  3. Well, I bet those boys love their Gram!
