Last Sunday I took myself out to lunch. It was about noon and church had just let out. Living near a retirement village it's not hard to spot so many carefree, retired, restaurant-going, golf cart-driving, gray-haired folk who seem to have lived a good life and now have no worries in their little retirement world. So, as I sat and observed the patrons coming and going I noticed this foursome in particular. And this is why. The man on the left spoke across the table to his friend with constant hand movement. Was he telling a fish story? or how to rotate a tire? It was extreme movage of the hands. And all the while his sweet little wife next to him delighted the woman across from the table with her soft spoken (who-knows-what-she-was-saying) monologue. Was it grandkids or gossip or gardening tips? Who knows. But those two talked for a good half hour, non-stop, while the couple on the right just listened. Non-stop listening.
I thought about my husband and how many years we've been together and how did we behave in restaurants? And that prompted the next question; are we that old? And do we look this good? But the real question to me was, which couple would my husband and I be in this scenario?? The mind reels. But the fact is, we will never look this mature nor this responsible. Ever. And I'm not sure how I feel about that. So my question didn't really need an answer at all.
Then I went home and took a nap. People-watching is exhausting. Maybe I am that old. pshh...
So... which couple are you?
So... which couple are you?